Do you ever feel you aren’t seeing results just because this ONE THING isn't figured out yet?
It is easy to try to find that one tiny thing that is holding you back from seeing results, but most of the time it is more about the big picture. Weight loss and better health has a fine line between extreme diligence and eating whatever you feel like. Yet sometimes it feels like you can yoyo back and forth across the line. Are you super diligent 3-4 days per week and then letting things go on the weekends… and maybe Fridays… and sometimes Thursdays too?
The key to results is consistency in the gym and in the kitchen.
WORKOUT: The 5 day per week program model allows you to work
hard in the gym and still have energy to enjoy your life outside the gym. So
activity on the weekends is absolutely encouraged. Going for a hike, doing some
yard work, attending a yoga class and focusing on recovery are all great
options for your “days off”.
DIET: The calorie recommendations we suggest are meant to be
a consistent number over 7 days each week. If you are hitting your goals 3-4 days
per week but not tracking on the weekends, chances are you are averaging out to
maintenance rather than weight loss.
It may feel like you are doing a ton of work and seeing no results. Which can lead to burn out and giving up.
So how do you do the least amount of work, avoid burn-out and see results?
Know your habits: If you tend to blow off your diet on the weekends… set yourself up for success. Be sure to get some exercise on those weekend days and burn some calories. A long bike ride, hike or house project is a great way to “earn” some extra calories.
Start your Saturday with a sensible breakfast, a
solid workout, and then enjoy a great lunch or dinner with some treats without
completely blowing your weekly nutrition goals all in one day.
Know your caloric needs and goals: You can also reduce your daily calories a bit during the week (by 150-200 calories per day) to “save” some calories for the weekend. WARNING: just be sure that you aren’t undereating during the week and completely blowing your diet on the weekend. If your calories recommendations are 1700 calories per day… That means 11,900 calories per week to see weight loss. Sometimes it is easier to wrap your brain around a weekly goal instead of a daily goal.
Cheat meals or Treat meals: Many people recommend a cheat meal once per week, but others find that this turns into a binge, further destroying your consistency and encouraging the yoyo mentality. Know what works best for you. Is a cheat meal an easy way to stay focused? Or are you better off throwing a few treats in throughout the week so you can feel satisfied and stay on track?
Don’t be afraid to experiment. Successful weight loss comes from knowing just how much and what kind food you need to see the changes you want. Keep a journal and experiment with things like macros, calorie cycling, intermittent fasting, and adding or reducing calories to see what brings you the best results. You may find you do better with a vegetable based diet or prefer a more carnivorous diet. When trying new things, commit to 7 days of following and journaling before deciding what makes you feel your best. You will want to ask yourself… what foods make me happy, make me feel great, and get me results?
Food is fuel: Do you suspect you have a damaged relationship with food? You need it to perform, and the better the quality, the better you will feel. Learn that many treats and cheats do nothing to solve any of life’s problems, and keep tabs on what your body needs nutritionally. Good healthy food should make you feel good and healthy!
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