Sick and tired of being sick and tired? I have a plan to help you feel better in one week! Part 1 of 3
Are you sick and tire of being sick and tired?
I hear people often talking about being tired all of the time and I am thankful not to have that problem these days. But it wasn’t always that way. Even as a healthy person I found myself having trouble falling asleep, trouble staying asleep, and trouble getting quality sleep. So… I wanted to share with you some things over the next few weeks that you can do to recover better, sleep better, and live happier!
For this first of three blogs I am challenging you to make two simple changes in your daily routine for one week.
Change #1
Get the TV, LAPTOP AND PHONE out of your room. Yep, I said it. If you find yourself binge watching shows at night, falling asleep with the tv on, or facebook or candy crushing into the late hours…you are interfering with your sleep.
The noise and chatter of your electronics not only make you stay up later, but they also make it harder to fall asleep, stay asleep and reach the right kind of sleep. Just do it. Your body will thank you. Looking for an alternative? Read a book or invest in a Kindle Paperwhite e-reader. The kindle has significantly less blue light (stimulating light) than a phone, computer, or television. On a side note, I'm not responsible if you drop your kindle on your face as you doze off.
Change #2
Quit ingesting stimulants after 2PM. Notice I did not say caffeine, but stimulants. This covers a wide range of things that keep you awake. Coffee, tea, ma huang, ginseng, B vitamins... the list goes on and on.
If it’s a stimulant it can effect your sleep several hours later even if you can’t “feel it”. I usually drink only decaf tea after 2 pm. I try to finish my last coffee before lunch time. Do you take a multi vitamin? B vitamins and other minerals can actually energize you, so better to take these with breakfast or lunch.
Boom… two things that are easy to do. So easy you might think it wont make a difference. But I challenge you to try both for 7 days and see if you notice a difference.
Stay tuned for more ways to feel better and recover more efficiently next week!
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