Yoga for a Balanced Body
The word Yoga is
derived from the Sanskrit root yuj meaning to bind, join, attach and yoke, to
direct and concentrate one’s attention on, to use and apply. It also means
union or communion. (From B.K.S. Iyengar Light on Yoga book). Many people view
Yoga as finding time and space to relax, meditate, connect closer to their
spirit and source, or to simply have a better connection with their own bodies
through movement. Many people also view yoga as “just stretching”.
Yoga can be
all of these things and more, but from the physical side of things, Yoga is a
great way to create balance within the body as a whole, by lengthening muscles
that are too short, increasing range of motion, strength, and flexibility. Most
humans have sedentary jobs or lifestyles, poor postural habits, compensation
patterns created by injury or surgery, among many other things that can cause
and create physical imbalances. Strength training is the form of exercise most
people utilize for fitness. It is great for increasing strength, building
muscle, helping to stabilize joints, as well as keep bones healthy and strong,
as the constant tension of muscle to bone helps the bone to generate healthy
density. Unfortunately, even having a healthy active lifestyle can create
imbalances within the physical body if a person isn’t taking the time and care
to also bring some form of stretching, or lengthening of muscle and connective
tissue, into their exercise routine. Whether it be during exercise, or our day
to day lives, most people very rarely move their entire body through its full
range of motion.
If we exercise and train our muscles/bodies to only move in a
limited range of motion, we are more likely to create more compensation
patterns, muscle and connective tissue shortening, and joint compression. This
can lead to a natural shearing of tendons and ligaments, which can lead to
injury or even the need for surgery. These types of physical and exercise
habits can also cause certain muscles, or muscle groups to become too strong,
leaving little to no give in the tissue, or too weak, where they are then
unable to support the body in the way that it needs.
Yoga not only lengthens
muscle and connective tissue, it also helps to build strength in tendons and
ligaments, as well as muscles we don’t normally use, or activate during
traditional strength training or exercise. Yoga teaches you to engage your
body/muscle through correct alignment through asana (yoga postures), which in
turn creates strength and stabilization three dimensionally for the body.
full and well balanced body works together as a whole, not in pieces. Yoga is a
great way to incorporate that balance into your life so that you may keep your
“machine” running as efficiently as possible, for as long as possible. Take
care of your body. It is the ONLY place you have to live.
is a Wyoming native.
She fell in love with yoga at a local studio
and it changed her life in many ways for the better! Yoga encouraged her to
begin rock climbing and get certified as a RYT200. Her favorite activities
include anything in the sunshine! Hiking, sun sipping, camping, and her newest
addiction, rock climbing! (Which yoga has helped IMMENSELY) She is co-owner of Maven Yoga in Sheridan and teaches Yoga and Hot Yoga at PURENERGY Fitness
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